Kicking My Blog Back Into Life...
Yes, you got that right. My last post here was almost two years ago! In the meantime I've been focusing more on prose and after meeting someone with a fascinating life story I became motivated to write a book where I will, essentially -- based on a series of interviews -- write a memoir in the subject's voice. (I did also create a non-anonymous web site in the meantime which no doubt contributed to the less-than-regular updates to this blog).
As opposed to novels, non-fiction projects can be submitted initially as book proposals with overviews, summaries and sample chapters i.e. you don't have to write the whole book. So, I wrote the proposal, sent out query 'letters' and was offered representation by a NYC-based literary agent.
The agent wanted me to write an additional sample chapter but -- apart from some minor corrections and restructuring -- she said it was essentially ready to go out. The subject was featured in one televised documentary and is now being featured in another forthcoming theatrical documentary and he has recently published two magazine interviews so I'm hoping it is enough 'platform' to entice a publisher. 'Platform' is a really big deal in the non-fiction realm.
Right now, while trying not to wait for responses from editors (as opposed to film agents and producers -- a new and interesting twist in the waiting game), I've been researching my novel and have pretty much switched off any activity in the film-o-sphere.
So, it was with some surprise that I received an email yesterday from the director of my short film that the film has been selected by and will be screened at a UK film festival this year. It's rather ironic since it is set in London and was completed 5 years ago but, so far, it had only been accepted by US film festivals. A UK film festival selection had always eluded us and -- bearing in mind the 2007 completion date -- we only just managed to slip in.
Of course, it should be noted that the central actor in the short film has, since 2007, appeared in major films and an award-winning TV series AND now has a significant role in a film directed by a legendary film director. Mmmh... I can't help but think that this wasn't exactly a hindrance to the selection process. ;-)
Since the same actor is also attached to our feature film we're hoping that the omens might be good for a slight acceleration of the glacial pace at which the indie-black-comedy has been progressing. On the other hand, I've fallen for those 'omens' before (we parted with our 2nd producer last year and we are now with our 3rd producer who is, effectively, our 1st producer -- LONG story!) So I'm going to avoid future projections and bury my head back in the sand and focus on my long, long, gestating novel. :-)
Signing off...