Friday, July 13, 2007

Chronicles 47 - Quickie 'on the move' post

Oh God. I'm overdue again, 'Father, it's 2 weeks since I last posted'... someone said a blog is a bit like a puppy, all good fun and cuddliness in the beginning but when you have to take the little beast out at 1 a.m in the pee'ing rain and all you want to do is hit the sack then there is a serious temperature drop on the fun-o-meter.

So again this is just an incoherent brain dump. I fly to New York in August to consolidate with an award winning veteran indie producer who came on our project in Cannes after watching our short film. She absolutley loved the short (both the writing and the direction) and loved my play so we're now collaborating (as producers) on the film adaption of my play, which I will write. I will also touch base with my US casting director and touch wood with a financier who is interested in financing my rom-com.

Meanwhile I've signed a collaboration agreement with the LA based producer and we're working together quite nicely. It makes such a difference when people respond the same day or within a few hours to email, that way you can do about 90% of the communication via email. It's great. Thank God for Blackberries.

I'm also working on my second script commission and the UK producer emailed me the other day and offered me a 3rd one! 3 in a row, back to back! Along with the play that I have on in January that's 4 scripts I have to write by the end of January!

In the meantime I'm waiting back on a development funding decision and a UK producer on our animation project.

Interesting since for about 12 years it was a combination of 'couldn't get arrested' and a series of false starts and close calls.

The result of all this decision led me to a realisation. I've got no time for this daily admin fluff that I do re. the producing end of things so I'm looking into a virtual office solution so that I can outsource to a PA especially all that applying to film festivals stuff.

Anyway, I should be doing some real writng not excuse-for-procrastination blog writing so 'over and out'.